Project category: SaaS

ACICO Group is a full-service, multi-sector construction group, based in Kuwait.
They decided to move their customer services to another level. They were looking for a solution that can make their customer's life easier and AMgrade team suggested creating outstanding web and mobile applications that cover their business needs.
Zevo Health

Zevo Health is a health application for companies to organize a healthier environment for employees in different organizations. So people can achieve goals, get points for achievements, and win competitions. It motivates them to do more physical activity and build relationships with their colleagues.

An idea behind Dignio is to create Software that will become a central part of the solution in making the healthcare system sustainable. Dignio offers healthcare providers an innovative remote care service for their patients by combining an advanced health platform with a user-friendly app, and with a wide selection of connected health monitoring devices, making it possible to follow up a variety of conditions.


Buzz system

Web solution for a global and multilingual digital marketing agency, working as a distributed company from multiple locations around the globe and serving a wide array of clients. The solution helps the client to manage the inventory of link-builders, sites, and links (they work with many link builders, each of them has a list of sites where they can publish articles).


Zoined is a cloud-based business intelligence and analytics platform that was created especially for retail businesses, restaurants, and wholesalers. The platform is intended to assist business owners and staff with operational optimization, financial growth, and data-driven decision-making. Zoined is the perfect option for businesses trying to keep ahead of the game in today's fast-paced retail environment because of its array of efficient features, user-friendly design, and real-time data capabilities.