Fortnum is an Australian Financial Advisory Group

Fortnum is an Australian Financial Advisory Group. Fortnum helps its clients to evaluate their financial needs and provides guidance in financial planning, investment strategies, and estate planning.
Problem to be Solved
Our team developed a professional-looking multisite residing on several domains. We designed it with a muted color scheme, straightforward functionality, and comfortable navigation. All these attributes of the site accentuate the core values of a financial advisory business: trust and dependability. Within tight deadlines, we achieved a reliable solution that perfectly represents the business and generates quality leads.

Win 1 Reliable technology picked
For this particular project our main goal was to create a website that would be relevant and seamlessly working for years to come. To achieve it we had to pick the right technology - well documented, modern, scalable and supported by community. That's why our pick was - Drupal.
Win 2 Low to No-Maintenance Solution
As a result of choosing the right technology, following the best practices and thought-out structure we achieved solution that wouldn't need much attention after launch. Speed optimized and well tested = close to bug free (there's no such thing that is total bug free though). Simple info/image updates client can handle by himself in admin panel. Convinient and reliable - perfect fit for the business representation website.
Win 3 Protected and Quality Forms
Special attention to UX and testing implementing such forms is essential to capture all of the leads in the future. Predicting all possible errors user can make filling these forms and preventing them is the key to high conversion. Sticking to these principals we formed throughout the years of experience we achieved the +35% rate of successfuly filled forms compared to the previous quarter.
Win 4 Design
Coming back to our focus on making relevant solution we have to mention - design. Visual trends come and go so we had to maintain a perfect balance to create a modern yet professional feel. To save our client's budget on the redesign.

1. Search tool
An integrated search tool to help visitors to find the nearest office.
2. Map
Interactive Map combined with the search tool provides a seamless flow for the users.
3. Contact Forms
Field and form level validation, array fields, error messages, and even more to prevent any mistakes in input.
4. Admin Panel
Allows fully administrate of the website and its content.
For this project we chose:
Experts working on the project:
Project Manager
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