Online Identity Management

1. What is Online Identity Management (OIM) ?

Social websites provide access to personal details of people, their history, surrounding and preferences. Just one click and you can find the data you need. Such information on the Internet can be defined as Web Presence. It is generally referred to people’s activity in social media, their participation in various blogs, forums, personal websites and many other fields of interest. Consequently, everyone leaves his or her information on the Internet and that is called Online Identity. So when it comes to Online Identity, its basic role and functional value is determined with the help of Online Identity Management (OIM). OIM is a set of methods for generating and distinguishing the presence of any person on the Internet. It is also known as Personal Reputation Management (PRM). PRM uses a set of web methods and operations to build a person’s web presence. It is a strategically powerful way to make anyone famous and popular. If you use PRM, you can easily get your products or websites on top of the search engine, and thus, obtain the desired results in business.

2. Why is Online Identity Management Important?

If you want to attract people’s interest to your business, it is important to make sure that they can easily find your company website, social media accounts and positive posts on review sites. For this reason, you may want to use OIM. It is becoming more and more popular within the companies who care about their reputation and popularity among customers, and that’s not all! Here is what makes online reputation management so valuable:
1. Qualitative and quantitative website traffic
2. Search Engine Optimization  with company’s content description
3. A single website with high ranking
4. Social media presence
5. Links to all sites about the person or company by a keyword
6. Positive reviews
7. Additional source of information distribution
8. All information about the person or brand in one place
9. Interaction with target audience
10.Brand’s identification, loyalty and trust
11.Sales increase
13.Marketing stability
14.Target audience inflow
15.Control of what the potential customers will see
16.Ability to show off your best sides
It follows that PRM is essential nowadays. It provides companies with a special strategy in online marketing, helps them to get control over the information related to their brand, content, reviews and ranking positions.

3. Ways to manage your Online Identity

OIM strategy takes a lot of time, effort and control in its intention to build and gain reputation. Therefore, don’t wait till you face the situation when you really need an online reputation management. Otherwise, it will be too late. Get started today! Devote one or two hours a week to OIM strategy and ensure your personal growth. Here are the main important points that determine your PRM tactics:
1. Develop and optimize your web-site. Proper optimization will help you get top positions in search results.
2. Control the reviews. Explore your name through the search engine and grab all negative and positive information about your company. If negative predominates, try to improve your service or quality. To counteract negative assets, contact the creator. Remember to control it once a month. Then, link to existing positive assets. Create some links back to positive pages that already perform, but just need a slight boost.
3.  Pay attention to your offline reputation as well. You’ll see that your online reputation will adapt accordingly.
4. Get a domain name and start blogging. Use unique content, pictures and videos. It helps to keep top positions in search.
5. Involve social media tools. It is known that social pages are very-well indexed by the search engine. They can be used as an interactive platform within your brand and target customer. It also helps to analyze and identify the needs of a target audience.
6. Don’t wait for miracles. OIM is easy to understand, but really can be difficult to realise.
Finally, the PRM can be described as a simple small-scale SEO effort. If you don’t know how to cope with it or have doubts, it is a lot better to use IOM companies’ service. You save time and get the desired result!

4. Role of Social Media in Online Identity Management

Social networks have become an essential part of our life. People use social networks for personal and professional purposes. Surely, social tools help to establish online connection by interacting and sharing information. This online connection brings results in offline activity, such as: new professional contacts, building the brand, advertising and attraction of a target audience. Moreover, social networks are perfectly indexed by the search engines, and that contributes to SEO.
Whether you realize it or not, social media tools are a form of networking that affects your offline goals greatly. Those who use social media explain their web presence in the following way:
1. They stay connected with family and friends;
2. Link with their fellows and colleagues;
3. Make new professional and personal contacts;
4. Establish an expertise in a particular area
5. Search for jobs online
Some of the most popular social media tools include: social networks (Facebook or MySpace), professional networks (LinkedIn or Viadeo), blogs (Twitter,, video-sharing resources (YouTube) and various professional forums.
Moreover, social media make it possible for users to share their opinion, both positive and negative, through a variety of different channels, and easily reach thousands of people outside their direct circle of influence.

5. How AMgrade can help

It’s important to understand how your web presence can affect your reputation. By effectively managing your online identity, you can ensure that your social activities have a positive impact on your career. AMgrade is one of the best reputation management services available on the Internet. We offer a well-build and properly developed strategy for your web presence which includes:
1. Monitoring and analysis. We analyze all assets connected with your website and linked posts, both positive and negative. What’s more, we implement the strategic campaigns to counteract negative assets.
2. Social media presence. It is the strongest tool to build positive presence of your brand and keep track of a social media influence on your reputation.
3. Search engine optimization (SEO). With the right SEO practices, your positive reviews will show up on top in search engine results.
4. Content management.  Having fresh, original content is the first step in getting the appropriate traffic to your site.
AMgrade’s mission is to build an individual approach to every client, according to the  specificity of business. We implement the strategy that will help you reach your goals and get the expected reputation throughout the Internet. So let’s make it work together!